Facilities Optimization and Cost Reduction by Implementing Smart Building Principles

December 15, 2021 Posted by Meinhardt Indonesia Written by arief.darmawan(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)meinhardt.co.id Reading Time:3 minutes
Climate change caused global warming will itself result in more electricity demand. International Energy Agency predicts from 2018-2050 global growth of energy demand will be dominated by building consumptions that consisted of space cooling (37,0%), heating (12,4%), and lighting (7,8%). This will, in some cases, result in higher costs for building owners due to the lower (often subsidized) cost of fossil energy and increased electricity infrastructure investment for expanded generation, transmission, distribution and management of an increasingly intermittent renewable energy supply.
According to world economic forum, every dollar invested in energy efficiency saves about two dollars in energy supply, whether that investment is made in local, on-site generation or at a grid level. While passive measures, such as increased insulation and higher efficiency equipment, can reduce overall electrical demand, active efficiency measures including automated demand response and dynamic energy optimization.
Digitalization is an important enabler of energy efficiency and demand flexibility in buildings. These “smart” buildings benefit from advanced sensing and controls, systems integration, data analytics and energy optimization to actively reduce energy use and demand while also improving occupant comfort, health, productivity and facility resilience. Embedding these digital capabilities in “smart” equipment and appliances can provide additional benefits including improved reliability and remote management in addition to energy and emissions reductions.
The potential energy savings from smart buildings is significant. Basic automated building controls can save 10-15% of energy in commercial buildings. More advanced functionality, such as demand-controlled ventilation, can save an additional 5-10% in energy. Integrating building systems together can yield incremental energy savings of 8-18% over basic HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and lighting control. Not yet accounted energy required for building water supply system. advanced metering infrastructure and monitor the end use in buildings save 3%, while automated fault detection and diagnostics can save about 9% of energy.
Meinhardt Indonesia is capable to assist building owner or operator (office, commercial, or residential) to map and audit all building facilities that require energy and water supply. The analysis become basis for the building management to plan proper energy saving and water efficiency, as well as location and capacity to implement solar PV to support more carbon offset. The improvement is imperative as evident for carbon emission reduction to reduce carbon tax value, or the surplus (efficiency) being traded to other building that minus.